Een documentaire uit 2009 die Wikipedia gehaald heeft (niet dat dat extreem moeilijk is). Wikipedia zegt er het volgende van: ‘Us Now is a documentary film project ‘about the power of mass collaboration, the government and the Internet’. The New York Times describes it as a film which ‘paints a future in which every citizen is connected to the state as easily as to Facebook, choosing policies, questioning politicians, collaborating with neighbours’.
‘The documentary weaves together the perceptions of leading thinkers on the power of the web, with the overriding suggestion that people gain a sense of satisfaction from active participation rather than symbolic representation in decision-making processes’.
‘The project claims the founding principles of mass collaborative projects, including transparency, self-selection and open-participation are nearing mainstream social and political lives. Us Now describes this transition and confronts politicians George Osborne and Ed Miliband with the possibilities for collaborative government as described by Don Tapscott and Clay Shirky amongst others’.
De documentaire laat zien waar onze online participatie toe zou kunnen leiden en wat het betekent.
Deze film is op 14 september 2018 niet meer beschikbaar via YouTube. We laten hieronder een trailer volgen van de film.