Technical Reports


De Papers on Information and Archival Studies wordt vanaf 2020 door ons uitgegeven. We publiceren in deze serie technical reports, working papers, en/of artikelen en boeken in open access. De publicaties vinden enkel online plaats. Al deze publicaties dienen wetenschappelijk van karakter zijn en Engels als primaire taal te gebruiken. Alle publicaties krijgen een ISBN. De serie heeft het ISSN 2667-2804.

De serie zal in eerste instantie gebruikt worden voor het wetenschappelijke werk van Geert-Jan van Bussel, maar staat open voor andere wetenschappers die hun werk willen publiceren als working paper, technical report of open access boek. Het copyright blijft te allen tijde berusten bij de auteur(s) van de gepubliceerde werken, zodat het de auteur(s) vrij staat bewerkte versies van de publicatie elders te publiceren. Er is op dit moment nog geen peer review proces voorzien, buiten de (inhoudelijk) review die uitgevoerd wordt door de redacteur van de serie, Dr. G.J. van Bussel.

Wie belangstelling heeft voor publicatie kan contact opnemen via


From 2020, the Papers on Archival and Information Studies will be published by Van Bussel Document Services. In this series, we will publish (scientific) technical reports, working papers, and/or articles and books in open access. The Series will only be published online. All these publications use English as their primary language. Each part of the series will be provided an ISBN. The ISSN of the Series is 2667-2804.

The series will initially be used for the scientific work of Geert-Jan van Bussel, but is open to other scholars who want to publish their work as a working paper, technical report or open access book. The copyright remains with the author(s) of the published works at all times. The author(s) is (are) free to publish edited versions of their work elsewhere. There is currently no peer review process provided, other than the review carried out by the editor of the series, Dr. G.J. van Bussel.

Anyone interested in publishing can contact us via

Papers on Information and Archival Studies


G.J. van Bussel (2020). A Sound of Silence. Organizational Behaviour and Enterprise Information Management. Papers on Information and Archival Studies, I, Van Bussel Document Services, Helmond. xii + 109 pp. ISBN/EAN 978-90-831078-0-6.

In 2017, I introduced a new theoretical framework in Archival Science, that of the ‘Archive–as–Is’. This framework proposes a theoretical foundation for Enterprise Information Management (EIM) in World 2.0, the virtual, interactive, and hyper connected platform that is developing around us. This framework should allow EIM to end the existing ‘information chaos’, to computerize information management, to improve the organizational ability to reach business objectives, and to define business strategies. The concepts of records and archives are crucial for those endeavours. The framework of the ‘Archive–as–Is’ is an organization–oriented archival theory, consisting of five components, namely: [1] four dimensions of information, [2] two archival principles, [3] five requirements of information accessibility, [4] the information value chain; and [5] organizational behaviour. In this paper, the subject of research is component 5 of the framework: organizational behaviour. Behaviour of employees (including archivists) is one of the most complicated aspects within organizations when creating, processing, managing, and preserving information, records, and archives. There is an almost universal ‘sound of silence’ in scholarly literature from archival and information studies although this subject and its effects on information management are studied extensively in many other disciplines, like psychology, sociology, anthropology, and organization science. In this paper, I want to study how and why employees behave as they do when they are working with records and archives and how EIM is influenced by this behaviour.

Download A Sound of Silence

Also published on ResearchGate, Academia, HAL, SSRN, SocArXiv and the AUAS Research database.


G.J. van Bussel (2021). An Accountability Puzzle. Organizations, Organizational Governance, and Accountability. Papers on Information and Archival Studies, II, Van Bussel Document Services: Helmond, x + 168 pp. ISBN/EAN 978-90-831078-1-3

The external expectations of organizational accountability force organizational leaders to find solutions and answers in organizational (and information) governance to assuage the feelings of doubt and unease about the behaviour of the organization and its employees that continuously seem to be expressed in the organizational environment. Organizational leaders have to align the interests of their share– and stakeholders in finding a balance between performance and accountability, individual and collective ethical approaches, and business ethics based on compliance, based on integrity, or both. They have to integrate accountability in organizational governance based on a strategy that defines boundaries for rules and routines. They need to define authority structures and find ways to control the behaviour of their employees, without being very restrictive and coercive. They have to implement accountability structures in organizational interactions that are extremely complex, nonlinear, and dynamic, in which (mostly informal) relational networks of employees traverse formal structures.

Formal processes, rules, and regulations, used for control and compliance, cannot handle such environments, continuously in ‘social flux’, unpredictable, unstable, and (largely) unmanageable. It is a challenging task that asks exceptional management skills from organizational leaders. The external expectations of accountability cannot be neglected, even if it is not always clear what is exactly meant with that concept. Why is this (very old) concept still of importance for modern organizations?

In this book, organizational governance, information governance, and accountability are the core subjects, just like the relationship between them. A framework is presented of twelve manifestations of organizational accountability the every organization had to deal with. An approach is introduced for strategically govern organizational accountability with three components: behaviour, accountability, and external assessments. The core propositions in this book are that without paying strategic attention to the behaviour of employees and managers and to information governance and management, it will be extremely difficult for organizational leaders to find a balance between the two objectives of organizational governance: performance and accountability.

Download An Accountability Puzzle

Also published on ResearchGate, Academia, SSRN, HAL, and the AUAS Research Database

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