11 oktober 2010
‘Media tablets’, ‘private cloud computing’, en ‘3D flat-panel TV’s’ zijn enkele van de technieken die naar de ‘Peak of Inflated Expectations’ zijn gepromoveerd, tenminste volgens de 2010 Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle van Gartner. Gartner heeft de volwassenheid van 1800 technologien en trends onderzocht in 75 individuele ‘Hype Cycle’ rapporten, die een overzicht bieden van een IT of zakelijk kerngebied. ‘The Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies is the longest-running annual Hype Cycle, providing a cross-industry perspective on the technologies and trends that IT managers should consider in developing emerging-technology portfolios. …. The Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies features technologies that are the focus of attention in the IT industry because of particularly high levels of hype, or those that may not be broadly acknowledged but which we believe have the potential for significant impact’, zo zegt Jackie Fenn, vice president en Gartner Fellow. ‘High-impact technologies at the Peak of Inflated Expectations during 2010 include private cloud computing, augmented reality, media tablets (such as the iPad), wireless power, 3D flat-panel TVs and displays, and activity streams, while cloud computing and cloud/Web platforms have tipped over the peak and will soon experience disillusionment among enterprise users’, zo zei Fenn.
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